YCT Prep Course

YCT (Youth Chinese Test) is a standardized examination for elementary, middle, and high school students whose first language is not Chinese. It was launched to evaluate teen students’ proficiency in the Chinese language. It consists of a writing test and a speaking test, which are independent of each other. The YCT writing test is divided into 4 levels. The speaking test is divided into Beginner and Intermediate Levels.

In our YCT prep course, you will receive systematic training in both writing and speaking skills. We will evaluate your language ability and select appropriate materials for you to start with.

YCT prep

YCT Test Level 1

After this level, you will be able to understand and use some of the most common Chinese phrases and sentences.

YCT Test

YCT Test Level 2

After this level, you will be able to understand and use simple Chinese phrases and sentences and cope with basic level communications.

YCT course

YCT Test Level 3

After this level, you will reach the basic level of Chinese speaking and writing. You can communicate on familiar daily topics in a simple manner.

YCT Chinese

YCT Test Level 4

After this level, you will be able to communicate in Chinese without major difficulties in your daily, academic and professional lives.

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