刻舟求剑 (kè zhōu qiú jiàn)

Words Meaning Recording

xínɡ shǐ


(car, boat, etc) to go

shū hū


to neglect

to carve

jì hào


mark, sign



xún zhǎo


to look for




A man from the state of Chu was crossing a river. In the boat, his sword fell into the water because of his carelessness. Immediately he carved a mark on the gunwale of the boat and said to himself:“This is where my sword fell off.”

The boat sailed for a long time before it pulled in shore. Without a hurry, the man jumped into the river from the place where he made the mark. He searched for a long time, but in vain. The boat had moved a long way from where the sword fell. How can anyone find the sword in this foolish way?

刻舟求剑 - Carve on Gunwale of a Moving Boat, enlightens us that things are changing and we should see the world in the light of its development. As the world is changing, getting stuck in a groove is foredoomed to result in failure. Furthermore, it is crucial for a country to embrace reform and innovation by adapting itself to changing circumstances.


nǐ zǒnɡshì yònɡ lǎofānɡfǎ jiějué xīnwèntí, hé kèzhōuqiújiàn yǒu shénme bùtónɡ?

你 总是 用 老方法 解决 新问题,和 刻舟求剑 有 什么 不同?

You always solve new problems with old solutions. You are no different form “Carving on Gunwale of a Moving Boat”!

zài shèhuìde ɡāosù fāzhǎnzhōnɡ, měiɡè hánɡyè dōu bùnénɡ kèzhōuqiújiàn.

在 社会的 高速 发展中,每个 行业 都 不能 刻舟求剑。

With the speedy development of the society, “Carving on Gunwale of a Moving Boat” won’t work in any fields.

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