Words | Meaning | Recording |
xìnɡ ɡé 性格 |
character, personality | |
cuì ruò 脆弱 |
weak, fragile | |
dān yōu 担忧 |
to be worried | |
hài pà 害怕 |
afraid, scared | |
lǐ huì 理会 |
to mind, to care about | |
ɡào sù 告诉 |
to tell | |
hū rán 忽然 |
suddenly | |
yōu xīn chōnɡ chōnɡ 忧心忡忡 |
horribly upset |
非常 。大风吹落树叶,他见了很 ;一只鸟从天上落下来,他又十分 。她逢人便说:头上的天会不会也掉下来?别人并不 ,他寻思这些人都疯了。他终日躲在家里不出门,担心天砸到头上。后来,有人 他:天是不会往下掉的。他这才稍稍放宽了心,出来走走,却不敢走远。晚上他 看到天上一只星星陨落,他又 ,仿佛日月星辰掉下来,如何是好啊?The man in the story was haunted by the fear that the sky might fall one day. It tells us there is no need to have imaginary or groundless fears.
她 总是 担心 世界 毁灭,简直是 杞人忧天。
She always has groundless fear that the world will end.
天气预报说 今天 不下雨,你 出门 带伞 不是 杞人忧天 吗?
The weather forecast said there is no rain today. Isn’t it useless that you bring an umbrella with you?
你 不必 杞人忧天,生活中 没有 那么多 坏事。
Don’t worry too much. Life isn’t all about bad things.
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