守株待兔 (shǒu zhū dài tù)

Words Meaning Recording

ɡōnɡ zuò



fù jìn




to collide

zhé duàn


to fracture

jiǎn qǐ


to pick up

ɡēnɡ tián


to plough






In the Warring States period in the State of Song, there was a farmer. One day, the farmer was ploughing the fields when he saw a hare running wildly towards a tree. Then it fell beside the tree, without a move. The farmer went over and saw that the hare ran so fast that it ran into a tree, broke its neck, and died. The farmer happily picked up the hare and took it home for dinner.

Since then, he refused to pick up his hoe again. Instead, he sat beneath the tree all day and waited patiently for a second hare to come. As days went on, a second hare never came his way. His neighbors saw this and his field was overgrown with weeds and asked him why. After knowing the reason, everyone couldn’t help but laughed out loud. Everyone thought that he was very stupid. How could another hare be so careless and ran into the tree?

The idiom 守株待兔 literally means "to wait for the hares". It is a metaphor to those who wish to make gains without working and always dream of having windfalls.


shìjièshànɡ méiyǒu nàmeduō shǒuzhūdàitù de shìqínɡ.

世界上 没有 那么多 守株待兔 的 事情。

There are not so many pleasant things as windfalls.

zhǎoɡōnɡzuò bùnénɡ shǒuzhūdàitù, yào zhǔdònɡ xúnzhǎo jīhuì.

找工作 不能 守株待兔,要 主动 寻找 机会。

One shouldn’t expect getting a job by waiting.

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