Words | Meaning | Recording |
yú ɡōnɡ 愚公 |
Mr. Fool | |
shān 山 |
mountain | |
dǎnɡ 档 |
to block, to get in the way | |
rào 绕 |
to wind | |
jù jí 聚集 |
to gather | |
xínɡ wéi 行为 |
behavior | |
cháo xiào 嘲笑 |
to laugh at | |
wán ɡù 顽固 |
stubborn |
的老人,他家门前有两座大 ,一座山叫太行山,另一座是王屋山。因为山 在门口,所以一家人出门要 很多的弯路。有一天,愚公把全家 在一起,商量着要把这两座山搬走。愚公的妻子摇摇头说:“挖出来的泥土石块儿堆在哪儿啊?”大家都说:“我们可以丢到海里面去呀。”第二天一大早,愚公就带着全家人开始挖山了。河曲有个叫智叟的老头,看到愚公全家的
,忍不住 他们说:“愚公啊,你都这么一大把年纪了,还要去移什么山啊!就算搬到你死的那一天,也不可能把大山移开的。”愚公听了他的话,笑笑说:“你的头脑太 了,即使我死了,我还有儿子在啊,儿子还会生孙子,孙子还会有儿子,这样一代代传下去是没有尽头的,而山是不会增高的,挖一点就少一点,还怕挖不平嘛!”智叟没有话好说,只好走开了。愚公移山告诉我们:只要有顽强的毅力,坚定的决心,再大的困难也能够克服。
Once upon a time, there were two large mountains - Taihang Mountain and Wangwu Mountain, which sat in front of an old man Yu’s house. Because the mountains blocked the way, the Yu’s families had to walk many extra miles in order to go out. One day, Yu called together the whole family to discuss removing the mountains. His wife shook her head and said:“Where are we going to put the earth and sand we dug out?”The others said:“We can dump it in the sea.”
The next day in the early morning, Yu began digging the mountain with his families. An old man called Zhi Sou saw them working and laughed: "Mr. Fool, you're so old and weak. Why do you want to remove the mountains? You won’t be able to remove it even before you die!" Yu smiled and said:”Your mind is so stubborn and old. If I die, there will be my sons. Sons will have grandsons and grandsons will have sons. There will be no end, but the mountain will not grow. As time goes on, the mountains will be removed one day!” Zhi Sou said nothing and left.
Proverb 愚公移山 literally means "Mr. Fool Wants to Move the Mountain". The story tells us: with persistence and determination, any difficulties, even big ones can be solved.
遇到 再大的 困难,我们 都 要有 愚公移山的 精神。
However big the difficulty is, we should have the spirit of “Mr. Fool”.
因为 有 愚公移山的 精神,中国的 青藏铁路 才 能够 修筑 成功。
Qinghai-Tibet Railway can’t be constructed without the spirit of “Mr. Fool”.
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