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In 凿壁偷光, why would the kid dig a hole on the wall? - Intermediate
In 揠苗助长, what did the farmer do to help the crops grow faster? - Intermediate
What kind of person is Tom? - Advanced
What does Sara mean by “叶公好龙”? - Advanced
What does Xiao Li mean by saying “指鹿为马”? - Advanced
What does “杞人忧天” mean in Chinese? - Advanced
What’s the meaning of 望梅止渴? - Advanced
What’s the meaning of 背水一战? - Advanced
Which tone is it? - Beginner
How do you reply to “你好吗”? - Beginner
What do people do on 中秋节? - Beginner
你叫什么名字? - Beginner
“把”or“被”? – Intermediate
How do we say “He is 2 years older”? – Intermediate
Make a comparison using “比” - Intermediate
What are these girls’ body types? - Intermediate
What should you not give as a gift in China? - Beginner
Which is not one of the 12 Chinese zodiac animals? - Beginner
Which is not a traditional Chinese festival? - Beginner
How do we say "He plays football well" in Chinese? - Intermediate
“才” or “就”? - Intermediate
秋天天气怎么样?(What’s the weather like in autumn)? - Intermediate
“不想(bù xiǎnɡ)”or “不用(bú yònɡ)”? - Intermediate
你喝什么(What would you like to drink)? - Beginner
What does "拍马屁" mean in Chinese? - Intermediate
What is the correct order? - Intermediate
圣诞节是几号(When is Christmas Day)? - Beginner
现在是几点(What is the time now)? - Beginner
“是” or “不是” ? - Beginner
Which is the right way to say “a cat (猫)” in Chinese? - Beginner
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